Monday, September 8, 2008

Father's Day in Oz...

The girls have been sick all week and so we took it pretty easy on the weekend.

As it was Father's Day on Sunday here in Oz, we went over to Coogee Beach for brunch and a play at the beach.  The sun was hot in comparison to Saturday when it poured all day and all night.

We were at Coogee for a few hours along with hundreds of other families who had the same idea!

Margot in her birthday outfit.  Thanks Poh Poh, Grannie and Auntie Ilona.


miss tango said...

Hola Karen,

If you are on facebook add me again. I don´t seem to have your address in my book, and there are 8million KT¨S! I added de Capone to my last name, only for the cool factor :)

Fergus, Karen, Margot and Fiona said...

Wow de Capone is cool!!
Very cool.
Hope you and familia are all well.