Thursday, July 24, 2008

Come down from the holidays - The Rocks and Circular Quay...

After our Queensland trip, we had a couple of days before school started.  We spent it doing 5 loads of laundry and grocery shopping - the fridge was completely empty!  We had a bit of culture shock when we first arrived at the Sydney airport - everyone was walking and talking fast and smartly dressed in winter gear.  We were still on Queensland time, moving much too slowly for the crowd!

We were so out of it that, a couple of stressful things happened last week:
1.  We were 15 minutes late for school on Wednesday.
2.  I put Margot in her winter uniform instead of her sports uniform.
3.  I pulled a muscle in my right calf.  I actually heard it snap and pop!!  It's fine now but pretty scary at first.
4.  Fergus somehow enabled the house alarm at 4 in the morning!  The alarm had been beeping periodically since we got home warning us of a low battery.  I guess Fergus couldn't take it anymore and woke up and started puching the various keys on the pad, and thereby setting off the alarm.  Unfortunately we didn't know how to turn it off and it roared for a good half hour!  We found the plug the next day but what a nightmare!!  It is good to know that we have great neighbours because Tony came by to see if everything was alright! 

On the Tuesday before school started, we took the bus out to the Rocks and Circular Quay as we had never been.  It was mostly restaurants, shops and bars.  There were nice views of the harbour.  I love Sydney on a sunny day!

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