Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ferg and soccer

Fergus joined the local football team. The dad of one of the kids at Margot's school was instrumental in getting him a trial. They have a good set-up with 3 grass fields with lights and the club is affiliated with the local social club which is across the road from the fields.
My first training session was last night and we were put through our paces by an old Scottish guy. He was in his 60s but was putting a lot of the boys to shame with his own standard of fitness. Rumour has it he played professional in Scotland but I didn't get a chance to talk to him yet.
The standard was slightly higher than what I'm used to in Canada and it wasn't long before I was huffing and puffing and trying to kick a few fellows. Just what I need on a Wednesday night! Although I was a bit stiff the next day I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially having a couple of beers after to wind down and getting to know the boys.
The league starts in April and we train once a week!
Wee Margot went back to school today after being sick for a few days. She had a cough but lots of energy so it was a difficult decision to send her back to school but she got through the day and is bursting with energy so thank goodness! 

1 comment:

Cantona said...

Fergus playing footy!! A man of many talents, eh.

Which team did you join? Sydney Swans! Ferg make sure that you polish your high marking and the hand passing. Bombastic FC needs a player with this type of skills.