Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary in Baulkham Hills
On Thursday morning, Margot woke us up at 6:30am with a huge grin, in her Thursday uniform - summer dress, grey socks and black shoes, ready to go! We had to send her back to bed for bit. She's very excited about school which is a great sign. In Australia there is a no hat, no play policy in schools and in playgrounds to protect children from the hot hot STRONG sun. It's good and the girls have complied with the rules even though they do find it extra hot with the hat on their heads. Doesn't Margot look cute in her huge brimmed school hat!?

We have a few options in getting to school.
- Walk - the school is about 35 minutes away.
- Take the bus - bus stop is about a 7 minute walk but we have to cross a very busy street without lights; buses run every 15 minutes or so
- Drive - alternate with Fergus in taking the car but then this would requires me to learn how to drive the stick confidently
For now, we've been taking the bus to school and Fiona and I walking home afterwards. The career counsellor at Fergus' school has lent us her stroller so it's been fantastic! There is no way I would be able to get home by foot with Fiona without the stroller. The heat is a bit much and I've felt like I was getting heat stroke a few times but I think about how fit I'm going to be, how many calories I'm sweating, and I power along in the 35 degree scorching heat!! I'm drenched by the time I get home and I'm having about 4 showers a day right now!
Fiona and I hang out for the day. We've had one playdate, we've found the library where they have story time daily, I'm looking into a dance class for Fiona and there is a gym at the end of the street with free childcare and at the same facility there is a pool for swimming lessons. It will get busy soon I'm sure.
By 2:20pm, Fiona and I make the big trek back up to the school. On Wednesday Fergus picked us up on his way home and Thursday our new neighbour Ajidia gave us a lift. Her kids go to the preschool by Margot's school twice a week. We'll figure out a routine soon enough.
It's a huge change from driving EVERYWHERE in Vancouver but it's good. Good for me and good for the environment as I'm telling myself! I'm sure once it cools down, it'll be FAN-tastic!
Currently we're experiencing a thunder and lightening storm so luckily, Amy (a girl in the neighbourhood that Margot has befriended and is in the other year 1 class) and mom Kerry will be giving Margot a lift in the morning. They dropped by tonight to offer us a life because of the rain! How thoughtful.
As for school, the parents drop the kids off in the covered courtyard. They line up orderly in their classes (they call it year 1, year 2, etc. rather than grade in Oz) behind their teacher. The principal, the teachers and the kids say a morning greeting and prayer and off they go to the class. Margot and I don't know the words to the prayer yet - something about blessing the school, etc. but I'm sure we'll learn it soon enough. The classrooms are air-conditioned so that's nice for the kids and especially the teacher! (Fergus' classes are NOT air-conditioned!)
Margot's teacher is Mrs. Burns - a young blonde lady that Margot has taken a liking to already. The prinipal is Mrs. Kingsley and she has been at the school for 14 years. The vice-principal is Mr. Steve ?? Everyone has been really nice and welcoming. It's going to be a good year!
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